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  • The essence of the Avatamsaka Sutra, also known as the Flower Garland Sutra, is a profound exploration of the nature of reality and truth. It fundamentally teaches the principle of interdependence – that all phenomena in the universe are intimately interconnected. It's a guide to understanding and living by the principles of Buddhism, particularly the concept of "suchness" or ultimate reality, and the idea that every living being has Buddha-nature.

    Intrinsic to the Sutra is the notion of awakening through a recognition of the interconnectedness of all things, and the realization that we are not separate entities but part of an interconnected web of life. This realization, the Sutra suggests, leads to wisdom and compassion, and ultimately, to Buddhahood.

    As I have come to understand it, the entire world is the Avatamsaka sutra; every person is like a chapter, each experience a small section. The wonderful teachings, or Dharma, are constantly being spoken all around and through us, everywhere and simultaneously. Our true nature, reflected in the Sutra, is ageless and wise, and speaks to our deepest hearts in a way that no other words can.

    Another key tenet of the Avatamsaka Sutra is the practice of virtue, which aids in meditation and allows one to remain at ease and natural in every situation. When virtue is practiced, one can easily recognize unnatural states and return to the simplicity of the middle way.

    In essence, the Avatamsaka Sutra is like a spiritual mirror, reflecting our true selves back to us and guiding us towards wisdom, compassion and interconnectedness. In a world that is sorely lacking in these virtues, I believe we all have so much to learn from it.